
Friday, November 12, 2010

Winner of the $35 CSN stores gift certificate

In order to chose a winner of the CSN stores $35 giveaway gift certificate, all entries were submitted to Random.Org (draw services). Congratulations go out to Maureen, "Suburban Prep" who was chosen winner of the contest!

My sincerest thanks go out to all those who visited my blog and entered the contest. Your support is truly appreciated.


  1. How lush and completely fall looking! Love these!

  2. Okay, I'm a dork. Was trying to comment on the pumpkin and raisin spice cakes. But congrats to Maureen!

  3. Hi Amanda, I'm the real winner getting two comments for the price of one.LOL It's always so nice to have a visit from you.Thanks for writing in.
