
Friday, October 8, 2010

$35 Winner of the CSN Stores Giveaway Contest!

The names were submitted and straight from Random.Org (draw service), congratulations go out to Magic of Spice who won the gift certificate from CSN stores. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the other contestants for participating in the giveaway contest and for their loyal support.


  1. Congrats to Magic! Let us know what sort of goodies you decide on. Happy shopping.

  2. Anna, I am so excited...Thank you so much :) I got an email from CSN but it went to my junk mail :( So I just found it this morning :)
    So now I get to put on my shopping hat :)

  3. Spice, I'm happy to hear you were able to recoup your mail. Congratulations again on your win.
