
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cheese Souffle

I recently initiated a "Throw Down", as coined by chef Booby Flay; and in fun, challenged fellow Food Network Community members to consider making retro recipes from the 70's. The gauntlet was dropped, and we agreed that we would attempt soufflés in place of  aspics, which were also the trend. However two of our finest, Susie and Ava, agreed to also include jelly molds. I opted to start with a simple cheese soufflé, and as the picture above shows, I was pleasantly surprised with the end result. I even got the seal of approval from my husband ,who initially said he would not go near a dish "with all those eggs and cheese". It turned out light as a cloud  and delicious. To accomplish this dish, I did  go back for a refresher course, and was expertly guided by Julia Child herself, via her phenomenal PBS videos. So, I hope you can forgive my digression from healthy recipes, just for a little while, as I reminisce and have some fun. If you too are ready for a "Throw Down", drop a line with your suggestions at Anna's Table.


  1. I love making cheese soufflés though I haven't done one in a while. I like to butter the dish and then sprinkle it with finely grated parmesan. You get this great crust on the outside.

  2. Ha! So funny. I've been wanting to make a soufflé for months now, but I don't have the dish. My mom used to make them regularly and for some reason called them omelets. I grew up not knowing what a real omelet is! So thanks for the recipe. If I find a dish, I'll try it for sure. Sophie xoxoxo

  3. Hi Kate,
    Thanks for commenting on the recipe. I followed Julia Child's recipe, and it did call for grated parmesan cheese. You are right; buttering the soufflé dish with the cheese makes all the difference. It gives the soufflé a lovely tasty crust.

  4. Hi Sophie,
    It's nice to hear from you. Get back to me if you attempt to make a soufflé. Julia Child' PBS video is an amazing tool,and it will guide you through each step of the recipe. Wait,what am I talking about? You have the expert in your family.

  5. Hey Anna, a very impressive souffle. I watched her video this morning, and I know this is blasphemous in the foodie world, but I like your cheese souffle better, I think you out baked Julia Child! She really is adorable though. This has been a lot of fun and my tummy thinks so too.

  6. Ava, that is really sweet of you, but isn't she the best! Don't you just love how she allows such leeway for errors in the kitchen? That's what I will always love about her. She always reassured us that most botched attempts could be corrected. Nothing has to be perfect. No wonder she had such a positive impact, demystifying French cuisine for the North American population.
    It has been so much fun having you on board for this cooking challenge. Almost forgot, I'm lagging behind on that jelly mold and should get a move on it.
